Language Specification
Source Files
Apterid code is contained in source files with the extension .apterid
. The Apterid compiler compiles the code in one or more source files into one binary, either a library or an executable (in .NET, an assembly).
Apterid syntax delimits scopes by means of indentation.
public module MyModule =
public type MyType =
Field1 : int
Field2 : string
Fn1 : MyType -> int
public Fn x =
Apterid code is organized in modules. A module may be present in more than one source file, but types and bindings within a multi-file module must be uniquely named.
public module Name.Space.OuterModule =
public Fn1 x = InnerModule.Fn2 x
module InnerModule =
public Fn2 x = x * 2
- A module may contain zero or more types or bindings.
- A module at the outermost level of a source file may be qualified with a namespace. Inner modules must be unqualified.
- A
module is visible from other binaries. public
types and bindings are visible from outside the module.
Primitive Types
The following primitive types are available in Apterid:
Keyword | .NET Type | Example | Remarks |
bool |
System.Boolean | true false |
byte |
System.Byte | 1b |
Unsigned octet |
sbyte |
System.SByte | 1bs |
Signed octet |
int16 |
System.Int16 | 1s |
uint16 |
System.UInt16 | 1su |
int |
1 |
Alias for int32 |
int32 |
System.Int32 | 1 |
uint32 |
System.UInt32 | 1u |
int64 |
System.Int64 | 1l |
uint64 |
System.UInt64 | 1lu |
zint |
System.Numerics.BigInteger | 1z |
Arbitrarily large integer |
ptr |
System.IntPtr | A native pointer as a signed integer | |
uptr |
System.UIntPtr | ||
char |
System.Char | 'a' |
UTF-16 code point |
float |
System.Single | 1.1f , 1e2f , 1.1e2f , -1.1e-2f |
double |
System.Double | 1.1 , 1e2 , 1.1e2 , -1.1e-2 |
decimal |
System.Decimal | 1.1m |
Binary-coded decimal |
complex |
System.Numerics.Complex | 1 + 2i |
Complex number |
quaternion |
System.Numerics.Quaternion | 1 + 2i + 3j + 4k |
void |
System.Void | () |
“unit” type |